03 September 2010


Time flies so fast it's already September and I'm hoping that this month would be my lucky month, so far so good.. there are blessing coming in my way :) hope this will continue till next year oh luck don't leave me hehe.. 

September is also my birth month, on this month another year will past and another year will start for me. I hope just like last year it will all go smoothly.  

A lot has happened last year I think the highlight of my previous year is when my daughter Reeyen turned 1yr old and Me going outside the country, It was my 1st time going of the country well I can say that experience is one memorable one. Reeyen turning one this is one event I would never forget in my Life.. 

Since my new year will start in a few day's I'm wondering what this new year has in store for me. :) ... Never the less I will make sure it will still be as memorable as last year or even greater than last year... :)

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